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2 Responses

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  1. Katy Greatorex says


    I lead a crafting group in Great Hucklow/Bakewell/Matlock/Chatsworth, we are a travelling group! Last August we decided to enter this year’s National Quilt Festival, we have never done any quilting ad we are a very novice group at all else!

    We chose Bakewell as our inspiration and thought that we should simply do a postcard ‘With love fromBakewell’ being the title. All well up till then, when we realised, to fill the conditions of the competitiion, we ha to quilt through the layers in an original fashion

    After great deliberation, my daughter suggested that we used one of your poems to be ‘written’ in embroidery all over the quilt. So first can we ask your permission to do this, and second can you advise us which would be best to use? We would like to embroider August 22nd down the river if possible.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this, pobably inchoherent, ramble, I hope to hear from you soon.


    Katy Greatorex

  2. Katy Greatorex says

    Hi there!

    Quilt done and hanging in the N.E.C. for the International Quilting show.

    They have, over four days, MANY visitors to the show so we are quite excited about it all!

    I would love you to see said quilt, but I can’t post pictures as a comment can I? I could email them to you?

    We would all like to meet you at some point, if that is all possible.

    Thank you once again for allowing us to use your beautiful poem.

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